What makes me happy is making YOU happy. 
I donβt really have any idea if what I post make you smile. But as much as possible, thatβs one thing I expect from this blog. It is not to simply post whatever I eat or do. But it is to be an inspiration and be able to contribute to your happiness. 
After launching this new look of The Food Scout blog, I heard praises and feedback from most of you about this new design. Iβm really pleased to hear those comments! Such a marvelous feeling knowing that not only my friends and family read my blog but people all over the world I donβt really know.
As an act of my gratitude, I am putting up another Blog Giveaway for you guys.
Thank you to Le Coeur De France for partnering with me to give you PHP2,000 worth of GCs.
Hmmβ¦ If I win, one thing is for sure. Iβll be getting their CRONUTS!
I donβt want to disappoint all of you but there will be ONE winner for this Le Coeur De France giveaway.
So might as well give it a shot.
It might be YOU!!!
So here it goes, Foodies!
What you gotta do is to follow the instructions at the Rafflecopter widget below.
FOLLOW all 6 instructions to be able to Qualify.
Iβm excited to find out who will WIN this giveaway. 
Pray, Eat and Love.
The Food Scout
Name: Joel Trinidad
E-mail add: joerux@gmail.com
Twitter ID: @xjoerux
Link of Facebook post:
Matt Pua
twitter: @mattamk
Name: Arjayssa Reyes
E-mail add: cesa.cipe12@gmail.com Twitter ID: @arjayssareyes
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/jaysa.reyes/posts/10201437623375859
Rosanna Bronozo
twitter: @osang36
camille quiambao
twitter: @cgquiambao
Name: Diana Beatima
E-mail add: diana_beatima@yaho.com
Twitter ID: @dianne027
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/diana.beatima/posts/719829224699262
Jacqueline chua
Name: Marie Katrina Bronozo
Email: ynayns023@yahoo.com
Twitter Id: @yns023
Facebook post link: https://www.facebook.com/ynayns023/posts/10151605279946646
Jessamer Abing
Name: Jayziel Contreras
Email add: jayzielcontreras@gmail.com
Twitter: @jyzlcontreras
Link of FB post: https://www.facebook.com/capricornmilk/posts/304992362972620
Name: Ayesha Perez
E-mail add: ayeshaperez22@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @ayesha_perez
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/ayesha.perez.3114/posts/181355198719158
Name : Paul T. Ablaza
Email : paul_ablaza@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: tweetnicm_pol
FB Link : https://www.facebook.com/paul.ablaza/posts/10151857800653996
Name: Chona Diaz
E-mail add: carpediemgirl_22@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @carpediemgirl22
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/carpediemgirl22/posts/199010886938306
Name: Jessiemer Abing
E-mail add: jessiemerabing@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @JessieDCa
of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/jessie.abing.39/posts/222732484557428
Rubie Chua
Name: Chona Diaz
E-mail add: carpediemgirl_22@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @carpediemgirl22
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/carpediemgirl22/posts/199010886938306
Name : Paul T. Ablaza
Email : paul_ablaza@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @tweetnicm_pol
FB Link : https://www.facebook.com/paul.ablaza/posts/10151857800653996
Melly Ng
Name: Diana Beatima
E-mail add: diana_beatima@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @dianne027
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/diana.beatima/posts/719829224699262
Name: Rica Rodriguez
E-mail add: erikabrodriguez@hotmail.com
Twitter ID: @ricarodriguez21
Link of Facebook Post: https://www.facebook.com/rica.rodriguez.96/posts/10200807969028641
Mary Louise Sanchez
Name: Kisses Marie P. Lumpas
Email: kisses_khaycee14@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @KissesLumpas
Link FB post: https://www.facebook.com/kisseslumpas/posts/10202086331347924
Agnes Dela Cruz
Pearliza Paguio
Name: Kisses Marie P. Lumpas
Email: kisses_khaycee14@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @KissesLumpas
Link of FB post: https://www.facebook.com/kisseslumpas/posts/10202086331347924
Ma. Clarice Lao
I want to win P2000 Le Coeur De France GCs from @thefoodscout. http://www.thefoodscout.net
Name: Jim MArlon A. Macaraeg
E-mail: cyber18sg@yahoo.com
TwitterID: @Macaraeg_JimMA
Link of Facebook Post:
Name: Lovely Joy Merced E-mail add: bunsdlesofjoy@rocketmail.com Twitter ID: @Joyluck_614 Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/lovelyjoymerced/posts/552456004822204
Name: Juan Rafaell Gabriel
Email: super.jaff@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @jaffgabriel
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/jaffyboy/posts/10151677737834372
Name: Leonore Bernal
E-mail add: aebeebernal@gmail.com
Twitter ID: @leonorebernal
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/aebeebernal/posts/10151744159083821
Arra Odeza
Name: Regina Cruz
Email: ghiela14@gmail.com
Twitter Id: @edgiecruz
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/mikeegie14/posts/726547884038565
Name: Say Yap
E-mail add: say_yap@ymail.com Twitter ID:@SAYjazzy9
Link of Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/say.yap.71/posts/237118756438672
Thea Moraleja
Name: Hazel Ann Manalansan
E-mail add:muffsquared@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @heysell_uhn
Link of Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/muff.muffxd/posts/10200729829800334
twitter: @mrsalejandrino
Name: Sarah Lim
E-mail add: thesarah93@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @SARAHngghae
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/rslim03/posts/10201884379852651
Basilio Simeon Santos
Email: Net.basetech@gmail.com
twitter: @baselsantos
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/basetech/posts/10201209012165579
Maricel Fajardo
FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/emcel.fajardo/posts/370303429738641
twitter: @m_mendiola08
Name: Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
E-mail Address: eilynn.charm09@gmail.com
Twitter ID: @iheartcharmy
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/princesscharmy09/posts/10200617952837258
Name: Carol Chan
Email add: carolchan16@yahoo.com
Twitter Id : @carolchan68
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/carol.chan.92167789/posts/507519425997246
Name: Carol Chan
E-mail add:carolchan16@yahoo.com Twitter ID: @carolchan68
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/carol.chan.92167789/posts/507519425997246
Name: ana monica ayungao
E-mail add: anaayungao@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @itsMONICAke
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/monicaayungao/posts/745568545457227
Name: Trinket Bulseco
Email: ksbulseco@gmail.com
Twitter: @ketamine06
FB post: https://www.facebook.com/Trinket.b/posts/217350158427211
Name: Hannah Salla
E-mail: sallaster@gmail.com
Twitter: @sallannah
FB link: https://www.facebook.com/InArmsOfLove/posts/10201430280731699
Name: Danna Paula Olaya
Email: royal_december@yahoo.com
Twitter: @livingdanna
name: caryn morales
email: caryn_cariaga@yahoo.com
twitter: @yenmorales
fb link: https://www.facebook.com/nyrac.selarom/posts/621197747902162
NAME: Janice Que
EMAIL: janice_jaja22@yahoo.com.ph
TWITTER: @quejaja
FB LINK:http://www.facebook.com/quejajax/posts/294293444045679
Name: Marizza Domingo
E-mail add: modomingo@yahoo.com
Twitter ID: @BLUJAYfromMars
Link of Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/marizdomingo/posts/10201365098383174
Thank you!
Ma. Elinor B. Semira
elinorsemira0124 at gmail dot com
Name: Maricel Fajardo
email: Artemis_Earla@yahoo.com
FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/emcel.fajardo/posts/370303429738641
twitter ID: @m_mendiola08
Name: Ma. Eddielli R. Bungay
E-mail add: eddielli.bungay@gmail.com Twitter ID: @eddielli
Link of Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/eddielli/posts/10151853591579727
Name: Mayla Lagrimas
E-mail add: mayla_lagrimas@yahoo.com Twitter ID: @maymaxnin
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/mayla.lagrimas/posts/604070306306208
Name: stacy lyn liong
E-mail add: crumpylicious@gmail.com
Twitter ID: @tsinoyfoodies
Link of Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/crumpyliciousblogger/posts/637494156301524
Name:sherry ann gole cruz
E-mail add:khryza1022@yahoo.com Twitter ID:@annkharize
Link of Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/sherryann1022/posts/10200280944217954
Name:Eva Mae Lipura
E-mail add: evamaelipura@gmail.com
Twitter ID:@evamaeolaer
Link of Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/evamaelipura/posts/10200591092474970
Name: Mary Jane Dionela Quintana
Email: janedionelaquintana@yahoo.com
Twiitter: @indaykuripot
Link of FB post: https://www.facebook.com/maryjane.quintana/posts/604163516302728
Name: Rhozallino Ramones
E-mail add: senomarj@gmail.com
Twitter ID: @jayramones
Link of Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/jhayramones/posts/707429595939219