Last March 17, 2012 was the official press launch of the newest summer commercial of McDonald’s McFloat. Before the event started, everyone was so curious to know who would be the newest endorser of McDonald’s. While waiting for the press launch to start, I overheard people name dropping male celebrity names from left to right. Definitely famous celebrity names were being name dropped. Knowing McDonald’s, I know they’d invest their money on someone who can carry their brand highly and responsibly.

I wasn’t surprised that McDonald’s chose Xian Lim as their newest McFloat endorser. During the press launch, someone asked Ms. Margot, VP for Marketing & Communications, why they chose Xian. According to Ms. Margot, choosing Xian was not an immediate process. What they did first was to research and ask among the young consumers. They had to know what the market wants. Through that research, they concluded that Xian is a favorite and a heartthrob to the teens nowadays. Also, Xian seems to be the perfect choice for McDonald’s since Xian is consistent with the brand. For Xian, he wants to be better all the time, similar to how McDonald’s wants to be better in terms of products and service to their consumers.
Speaking of improvements, McDonald’s released their 4 new McFloat flavors, which I am sure you will love. For only Php25, you can get a refreshing McFloat dessert drink in any McDonald’s store. The 4 new and exciting flavors are Blueberry Sprite McFloat, Green Apple Sprite McFloat, Four Seasons Sprite McFloat, and Honey Banana Sprite McFloat. So far, my favorite is their Honey Banana McFloat.
Question to Xian: What is your favorite McFloat flavor?
Answer: For Xian, he prefers the Blueberry Sprite McFloat. If you watch his commercial, it is the same flavor he is carrying all throughout while making pa-cute for the girls. haha!
Fact: Xian is the one singing in his newest McDonald’s McFloat commercial. Click HERE to watch.
Together with Xian Lim at the press launch were VP Marketing & Communications Margot Torres and Marketing Manager Christina Lao.
McDonald’s Family loves Xian Lim!
The lively and lovely hosts.
It was nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Yang!
Matching outfits with Mrs. Yang! 😉 [Vertical blue and white striped jumpsuits] I got so kilig when she asked someone to take our photo using her iPhone. 🙂
A photo with the newest endorser is a must. Hi girls, you have my permission to insert your photo beside Xian on the right side. Hahaha! :))
Meet my 2 new friends from Garage Magazine:
Leo Balante…
and Aiah
The Food Scout loves McDonald’s! <3
“Summer is all about fun and excitement. Bonding with friends is more fun with great food and cool music. With McFloat Summer Medley, McDonald’s is sure to become a favorite destination this season,” -Margot Torres, VP Marketing & Communications
Hurry up and get your ultimate affordable summer dessert drink.
Dial McDelivery 8-6236 (8-MCDO) or visit to enjoy the McFloat Summer Medley anytime, anywhere.
Thank you Nuffnang and McDonald’s! 🙂
Pray, Eat and Love.
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