After going to worship services in our church, we pass by the exit door where a stall of peanuts aroma can be smelled from just afar. Most of the time I pass by that area with my mom, she does her ‘lambing’ voice and ask either dad or I to purchase a small bag of peanuts. Dad gets most of that request from mom. As a result, my parents buy a small pack of garlic peanuts on Sundays. It’s that easy to market garlic peanuts to them. Let them smell and see the peanuts then in just minutes, it’s sold! It was not a surprise when I saw the smile on their faces the minute I showed my ‘pasalubong’ for them, Allies Wonder Peanuts.
Allies Wonder Peanuts, which originally came from Pampanga, is now distributed in Metro Manila.
These are dry toasted nuts that will surely make your breath smell like garlic. 😉 The strong taste of toasted crunchy garlic is the secret to making these nuts addicting. It’s not greasy at all, which makes it even better.
I made my family try these nuts and just after a day, these nuts were swiped out of the kitchen and the empty container into the garbage chute. They requested if I can get more since they all loved this snack. I actually caught my sister munching on Allies Wonder Peanuts while studying for her exams. Everyone in the family approves of Allies Wonder Peanuts. One container is not enough for my peanut-loving family.


This Christmas season, it’s a wonderful idea to give Allies Wonder Peanuts as a token/gift to people around you. If they love garlic and peanuts, this is the ultimate snack for them.
Price: Php170 for 450g & Php270 for 800g
 Go nuts with Allies Wonder Peanuts. I promise you, you wouldn’t regret munching on these nuts!
Pray, Eat and Love.
The Food Scout 

Contact: (+632) 917 538 8125
Price: Php170/450g; Php270/800g