Do you like to wait? Who among you loves to “wait”?
A couple days ago, my discipleship group or what we call “dgroup” at our local church, met at a nearby artisan donut store named Scarsdale and discussed about a very sensitive topic to us, “Waiting”.
I don’t normally share our dgroup discussions on my blog but this time, I felt the burden to share this important topic to my readers. It may not be related to food but during my early morning quiet moments, I was reminded of the reason why I blog. More than anything in this world, I blog because my main purpose is to share the good news. Good news about food, travel, lifestyle and the most important thing in the universe, the living “Word”.
Hope I won’t bore you. 😉
I thought I was already late, but the girls were still on their way. In short, they were all late. I’m glad they were, because while waiting, I had more time to digest my message for the night, the real meaning of waiting.
We all have our shallowness when it comes to waiting. A classic example I can think of is when we line up at a fast-food counter. Imagine 4 counters, each counter is occupied with 3 people lining up. Where do you stand? First, we observe which one’s faster. If Line A is faster, we line up there. Now what if Line B appears to be much faster and move 1 notch ahead, don’t we transfer there? Of course we do! If Line C goes even faster, our tendency is to move again. And it goes on and on. Generally speaking, there’s something wrong with our patience.
From a devotion I read recently by Joyce Meyer, I learned that there are 2 types of waiter – A Passive Waiter and an Expectant Waiter.
Passive waiter is willing to wait, hoping there is something good that will happen as a result. But waiting time doesn’t last for Passive Waiter. After a short time, Passive Waiter suddenly gives up. He/she has a hidden ticking bomb.
On the other hand, Expectant Waiter is someone who is hopeful as well, full of joy, believes that his/her problems can be solved, and simply has a mindset that something will happen no matter how long he/she waits. The dgroup agrees that we should all be Expectant Waiters. Just like a pregnant woman who is expectant of a baby to come out after months of bearing the baby in her stomach. Despite the pain and suffering of being pregnant, she has an inner joy that shines because she knows after 9 months, she is about to see the beautiful face of her most awaited baby. I haven’t experience being pregnant yet, but no matter what your gender is, we can all learn from the characteristics of pregnant women. Besides, what do they do while they’re pregnant? I asked this question to my girls and they got the answer right away – to Prepare! Yes, God allowed us to wait in order to Prepare us. Prepare our minds, our bodies and our hearts before He grants us the prayers on our list.
God intends for us to appreciate His blessings so He allows us to be under the umbrella of waiting.
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31
As humans on earth, waiting is a permanent part of our everyday lives. There is no easy way out to avoid waiting. If you believe in a God who is sovereign and all-knowing, then believe that He knows your needs. He hears what you’re praying for and what you’re waiting for. Find comfort in believing and keeping the faith stronger day by day. Look back and count your blessings, I’m pretty sure you’ll be amazed how God works and how he breaks through.
Together with our healthy and hearty discussion about waiting, donuts and sandwiches from Scarsdale kept us company.
The best part was when the waitress approached us and announced that all donuts and croughnuts are already discounted at 20%off after 9pm! Yay! 🙂
Scarsdale is now our new favorite spot for weekly dgroups! <3
Meet my DgroupJony, Carms & Rachelle
Oh no! The troubling selfies attack.
Selfies in a Selfie. 😐
Meet the song leader of the group – Jony 🙂
Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:3-4
Have a blessed week Foodies!

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The Food Scout
Location: 514 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Budget: PHP80++