
I’m preparing myself to be the Best Wife Ever! You read that right, I’m claiming that title, soon. Haha! Given that, I need to equip myself. And one thing I’m sure about myself, I’m still not a kitchen expert. Exerting effort to be a real domesticated woman, I’m supplying myself with articles and videos on how to cook without spending too much time in the kitchen. O and I already talked about how our schedule would be once we get married and move together. As what I can see, I need to take charge of preparing our healthy meals without consuming long hours in the kitchen.

Thank God, De’Longhi invited me to a cooking workshop with Celebrity Chef Mitchie Sison a few Saturdays ago. I couldn’t let this workshop pass without me attending. It’s exactly what I need at this point of my womanhood.


Cooking 101 with Chef Mitchie Sison

In this intimate hands-on workshop, I spent the whole afternoon learning with Celebrity Chef Mitchie Sison. What sets this workshop apart from other cooking classes I’ve attended is that we only have one kitchen appliance to use, it’s the De’Longhi Multifry.

“Multifry is an innovative cooking appliance combining a low-oil fryer and a multicooker to meet each and every need for all the kitchens of the world.”

With Lilian of TheGoMom.com

I’d always feel intimidated to cook in front of other people. In any cooking event, I never had the confidence to really “cook” because I don’t normally do it at home. When we were asked to start working on our first recipe, a breakfast plate with potatoes and bacon, I was quite unsure I could do it properly until Chef Mitchie demonstrated how to cook using the De’Longhi Multifry.

Using a Multifry, you can cook anything without oil. All I had to do was to place all of the sliced ingredients inside the Multifry and wait for it to cook on its own. This is the machine perfect for busy moms or people who don’t have any helper at home or in their condominiums. I am serious. Zero hassle! This innovative low-oil fryer allowed me to rapidly fry fresh potatoes in a healthier way, minimum or no oil at all.

I’ve learned from Chef Mitchie that Multifry is only what you need to create your risottos, stews, and almost everything you could think of. From appetizers to desserts, Multifry is one supermachine. Believe me, you can actually bake your pizzas, cakes and pies with it!

Multifry Recipe - South Western Potato Hash



No-sweat dish to prepare for breakfast! O shouldn’t be surprised I’ll be making something like this Southwestern Potato Hash in the future. Or most likely, replicate this recipe using my own Multifry!


You can let your oven take a break because Multifry makes baking easier! Unbelievable how versatile this machine is. I didn’t see this coming that we could actually bake our muffins using De’Longhi Multifry.




Everything seems easy to cook and bake using one machine. It’s like an invention of fairy godmother who wants to save me from any kitchen disaster.


Other than experimenting on your own recipes, the De’Longhi mobile app and website has over 200 recipes available for you to use.

Multifry Recipe - Raspberry Almond Muffins

Multifry Recipe - Pork Hamonado

There’s one thing DeLonghi Multifry can’t do though, it’s creating your homemade ice cream. In this case, De’Longjhi Il Gelataio is the product for all things ice cream. If I have this product in my home, I’d probably stop buying ice cream from other vendors and keep on experimenting wild and matcha-infused flavors at home. And, it would be an ice cream party every night! Haha! I’m dreaming too much. Fine. Back to reality.


Il Gelataio has a special paddle, to mix ingredients perfectly. The ice cream maker also has the capacity to prepare up to 700g of ice cream and its stainless steel bowl inside is easy to remove. Washing wouldn’t be a problem since the paddle, bowl and lid can be washed in the dishwasher.


Coffee Ice Cream


Now, I can honestly say I’m more prepared to become a wife. Each time I learn new things I could carry to my marriage, I’m becoming more excited to fast forward to the days O and I live in the same home. You’ll never know, I might post more recipes on the blog and embrace my wife hat. Hehe.



What do you think of De’Longhi Multifry?
Share with me your thoughts!

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Pray, Eat and Love.
The Food Scout 

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