Since O and I were dating, it has always been our dream to establish our own business. We went through the season of thinking we were made for the F&B industry only because we both love food. Lol! Then, we brainstormed about so many other businesses we thought would be feasible for us. But as we evaluated our strengths and weaknesses, we didn’t push through with those series of plans. Cutting the long story of brainstorming all throughout our 2 years of dating, it was only during our engaged season when we officially started and launched our formal business together. I won’t blab about our business here but share more of our partnership.
As Business Partners
Now the question here is, does this set-up work? I can’t generalize and speak for all couples who are working as business partners. But for us, the answer is YES.
Common Vision
All by God’s grace and guidance, having a common vision for the business was not that difficult to set for us. I have my opinion, he has his own. I had a vision in mind, and he had one too. As we discussed, it’s quite a surprise that how we imagine ourselves and our business to be 10 years from now complements each other. Maybe it’s because of our shared passion for the industry we’re in. Or, maybe it’s because we both know our hearts, it is to completely honor God in whatever we pursue. If you’re planning to start a business with your partner, don’t take this common vision for granted. If your vision is aligned, everything else follows. This is where it all starts and will keep you going as you go through the journey of smooth and rough roads.
Time Management
My number one love language is time, while his number one love language is well, time. Lucky us, we both understand the value of time for each other, which makes us miss each other a lot back when we were dating. (Not clingy levels ok?) Haha! Now married, we chose a schedule that would make us spend more time with each other. Basically, we live in the same house, sleep on the same bed, work in the same office and practically do almost everything together. Ok fine. A bit clingy now. Haha! Nobody’s complaining here because we absolutely enjoy this set-up. It works for us because it develops our transparency to each other and builds our relationship as we build the business together. I think it’s better to get used to seeing and working with your spouse than getting used to rarely spending time with him/her at all.
Even if we do spend time at work, we still make sure to spend real quality time at night or on weekends. Date nights come in where we choose to watch a movie, dine out and talk about life other than business, cook together, stroll around the mall, and the list goes on. I think we shouldn’t assume we already know each other just because we’re together. There is an effort to communicate, to share our emotions and thoughts about certain things.
Fact: Back when we were dating, we spent time with each other every single day! No joke! We only miss the days when I’m out of town or out of the country. Nevertheless, we do everything together.
In this business, what works is our teamwork. When I was immersed in the corporate world for three years, I’ve learned about learning not only how to do my job well but also learn what my colleagues are doing. So when a certain colleague is on leave or needs help, I have an idea what I’m putting myself through. Completely applicable to our smaller company now, I have to learn what everybody else is doing, including my husband, for me to be a more effective helpmate. There are certain things he’s more knowledgeable of and some things I’m more knowledgeable of. As partners in the business, there’s no such thing as competition. We consult each other on decisions, whether big or small. I share my weaknesses so he can help me. We inspire each other as we inspire our staff as well. Honestly, it could be quite tricky to be in a harmonious relationship if you don’t practice teamwork, including patience and humility, with your partner. Besides, I don’t think we have a choice. There’s only one team to be in, that’s team jilliver! Lol!
The key to a healthy relationship in the workplace is this, respect. Do I have to expound on this? Haha! As the relationship grows older and the more comfortable you are with your partner, respect is sometimes being taken for granted. Unfortunately for couples, if respect is not being practiced, we could actually lose it. Nobody’s exempted from this ugly truth. Everything could be colorful now but there may be a time when respect is no longer welcome to the relationship. Respect (and sex) is the most important for men. Being aware of that as a wife and his business partner, I need to be cautious about my actions and words, whether we’re in the office or at home. For wives, we have to program ourselves to show our love to our partners through respect. I tell you, he will love you more and more as you show respect more and more.
As Life Partners
In our 10 months of being married, I praise God for his abundant blessings for allowing me and O to experience His love through each other. During my quiet moments with God, I asked Him to continuously remind me of His faithfulness in our lives so I won’t ever forget that everything we have now is all because of Him. Because sometimes, I really forget. Pride and stubbornness kick in. I forget to humble myself and acknowledge that I am nothing without God. Thankfully, He is faithful and keeps His promises to me and O despite our sinfulness. And this is why our hearts are full and want to praise God through serving Him in any way we can.
A few months ago, O and I volunteered as facilitators at Before & After I Do, a marriage seminar in CCF. Such an experience to lead with my husband, not only in business, but also in church. More than leading the group, it was more of a humbling experience to lead and meet such awesome people in our circle.

Facilitated at Before & After I Do event

Bowling with family (Reine and mom not in photo)
On weekends, despite the busy schedule, we choose to spend time with family, his side and my side.
That was one jam-packed, busy yet fulfilling 10 months with the hub. We had our own share of victories, trials, major decisions to make, and the list goes on. This only means there are more to come! Sorry about making this food & travel blog more of a diary about our love story. Haha! I guess this won’t ever stop and will continue to use this platform to share God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives. I’m sort of enjoying this actually more than writing about restaurants. Haha! Kidding.
Anyway. I hope you’re still enjoying my food, travel & (more) love posts.
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Pray, Eat and Love.
The Food Scout
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